Building Resilience

Everyone is talking about the buzz word 'Resilience' these days. I find it everywhere. But what does it mean and how do we apply it to our own life? 

The three secrets of resilient people | Lucy Hone | TEDxChristchurch

I came across this great TED Talk recently. I love TED Talks as they are real, succinct and often a true story of someone's struggle or experience. This story is a great story about hope that came from Dr Lucy Hone, a mother and resilience expert talking about suffering. Her 12 year daughter passed away suddenly and expectedly in a car accident. She had to make sense of this and incorporate what that meant for her. Traumatic events like this never seem to make sense. Her three secrets are real and have helped so many people already. I was challenged and I'm sure you will be too.

Number 1 Resilient people know that suffering is part of life.

Number 2 secret is very good—Resilient people are really good at choosing carefully where they focus their attention.
They focus on the things they can change and accept things they can’t change.
Choose life not death, you don’t have to be swallowed up by it. Choose to be grateful. Switch your focus to the good.
Accept the good and think of three things every day that are good.

Number 3 Resilient people know what’s helpful what’s harmful and choose to focus on helpful things. Be kind to yourself.


Peeling the Onion—Living Through Grief


Emotional maturity is owning your own feelings