Volunteering Joy with NALAG Grief and Loss
Volunteer with NALAG
What a pleasure it is to volunteer with NALAG the National Centre for Loss and Grief. I am honoured to provide support to grieving clients around Australia. Thank you NALAG for your gift today and thank you for showing your appreciation to me, one of your volunteers.
All of us experience grief and loss at some point in our lives, whether it's losing a loved one, losing our pet, or going through the anticipation of death with a loved one's journey with terminal cancer. Death, although common, is not something that most of us are comfortable with. We may find it difficult to sit with someone and hear their story but that's the very thing that will honour their loss and pain and will help them to move through the process of grief. Grief stories are stories of love. With much love, comes much pain.
My job as a counsellor, is to hear the stories of grief. I sit alongside people, holding the space, as they share their pain. It's not an easy job but it's very rewarding. You can do the same. When you listen to and validate someone's story of pain and suffering, they feel seen and understood. You honour them with your attention.