Chasing Happiness…
’I feel so flat, now the holidays are over…back to the same old, same old’.... she had been up North for two weeks in sunny Queensland, and came to see me with pent up negative emotions about her house, job and living situation.
What was driving her reaction? A dissatisfaction with her current job and boyfriend or was she disgruntled with her life in general?
Have you noticed how alive and rejuvenated you feel when you take time out and get away for a short spell? You have the head space to look at life holistically. Surrounded by new people, interesting food and a warmer climate, change is inevitable. However, after having such an awesome experience, swimming with dolphins, river cruise and eating out most nights, you return home with a crash. You feel displeasure with everything you see. Nothing is right. You no longer feel happy. You try to ‘think happy thoughts’ ... Ah if only life was that simple. Perhaps all it will take to feel happy again, is a new hairstyle, a weekend away or a new dress to make us happy again. But chasing happiness because it feels good, doesn’t last. These things are temporary and reveal a small part of our unrest - chasing happiness outside ourselves brings unrest to our soul and discontent. We think we have to Be, Do or have something to feel content. It’s an illusion! Chasing happiness outside ourselves means we constantly have to have new things to fill us up.
Happiness that lasts, is yours to have. It is found in finding our purpose and doing things that really matter to us - no longer just seeking pleasure from outward things and consuming more. Happiness comes when we engage fully in life. To fully appreciate the life you already have, you need to immerse yourself, to pay attention to that which you already have...
Slow down, breathe and notice what’s around you.
What is deeply important to you? What makes your life worth living? How are you making a difference in your world, in your community? Follow that and it will bring deep joy and contentment. Viktor Frankl, in ‘Man’s Search for Meaning’, in surviving Auschwitz, observed those who survived the longest, held a sense of purpose. The desire to find meaning and purpose is where we find contentment (lasting happiness). Russ Harris, using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy ACT, talks about "maximising human potential for a rich, full and meaningful life" and the short video on the happiness mythexplores what to do about it. Inner freedom is that you get to choose your attitude and response and stay true to your purpose. What is your purpose?
Contact Robin 0421 224 070 to find out more. Walk and Talk Therapy at the beach or join us for a Therapy Group on finding lasting happiness.
Or read more about The Happiness Trap