Disability Doesn’t Stop Me

Sometimes I feel ‘less than, wrong or stupid’ are words I heard recently from a young woman on the spectrum trying to do life well.  

Often people see the impairment not the person. Just because someone has a disability doesn’t mean they’re simple or stupid. Sometimes people just don’t know how to connect to someone with a disability, especially if you don’t have the communication skills needed to easily form relationships. It goes both ways. 

Life with a disability has its challenges, and learning to connect well with others, build healthy relationships that matter, will see you live the best life you can. 

Some people with disability communicate differently, they need patience and understanding, not patronising attitudes. Speak directly to them, the same as you would speak to anyone, ask them questions and wait for the answer, don’t jump in and finish off their sentences for them. See the person not the disability. 

Learn more about the living the best life you can (with a disability).  

Contact Robin 0421 224 070 to find out more. 

Walk and Talk Therapy at the beach or join us for a Therapy Group on ‘Contentment: living my best life'. Counselling Solution, Forster NSW.


Emotional maturity is owning your own feelings


Chasing Happiness…